More pictures from Condi's Fitness Magazine thingy via MSNBC! What I don't understand is that Fitness Magazine is providing all these wonderful Condishots to the press, yet failing to utilize them on their own web site. Condicise fans are also reminded that Madame Secretary's previous flare-up of fitness exhibitionism is still thrillingly online for your viewing pleasure.
But I know my readers, so I know that what Pony Pals are really interested in: Condi's green ball. Could it really be Condi's invisible spherical friend, the unseen comfort object she so often cuddles while speaking or appearing on TV, made corporeal? Or is it really, as I believe, just a regular, non-supernatural green ball which Condi uses as part of her workout in order to strengthen the muscles she uses to handle her invisible friend? Makes sense, doesn't it? After all, we have no idea if it's a tame invisible, spherical, imaginary friend, do we?
I think you're onto something about the invisible spherical friend, PSP. I wonder what its powers are... Can it arrange flowers for the matching armchairs? Does it make the flags behind dueling podiums puff out just so? Or, better still, does it help Condi woo her beloved Tzipi?
How will we ever know?
Apropos of nothing, I think it's a Bender Ball.
OMG I am sooo inspired by this post. If only I can dedicate myself to a similar regimen... I too can fail to change the world!
In the top pic, it looks like the guy's saying, "bitch done wore me out!" Bottom pic: "Georgie loves it when I do my face like this. It makes him feel bigger."
@ Princess -- I agree, the green "friend" is a practice model. It doesn't have the power of the invisible object of emphasis.
@ lulu -- Don't underestimate Condi's accomplishments... Doesn't this world seem somehow crappier than it did a few years ago? As much ramblin' 'round to the world's trouble spots as Shoe Lady has done, snapping photos and ineffectually admonishing her opponents and one-time allies, can't it be said that she has contributed a certain something to the current state of the world?
Reminds me of footage from "The Biggest Loser."
Condi almost looks like she has boobs in that second pic.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about the boobs. She looks really happy to be with Dumbya at NATO.
Fun with perspective! Who's that teeny tiny trainer peering into Condi's cave of diplomacy?
look at the guy checking out condi's crotch
and that is a giant condibooger
"Exercize" as a substitute for thought, of which "Dr" Rice is incapable.
How many of us poor proles have a "personal trainer" (but hey, who acutally does pay for Condi's gym-man? The tax-payer?).
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