President Bush and first lady Laura Bush arrive at Cotroceni Palace in Bucharest, Romania, Wednesday, April 2, 2008, prior to the start of the NATO working dinner. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
OMG, hi, Laura! Don't you look particularly perky today! Yay for perky Laura! Smile for the camera, Laura! No, no, over here, Laura:

She looks more like the Joker every day.
Listen, with what she married, can you blame her if she's taken so many pills she can't remember what planet she's on?
No one else likes it, but Laura gets sooooo happy when her invisible friend appears during the photo shoot.
Much has been said about the cloud of ebullient ether surrounding the president--obviously Laura's on a contact high.
Happy, happy Bushes!
This is good, because as Laura said, nobody suffers more from the war than they do.
Republicans weren't really made to suffer, so the current manic episode is so much more in keeping with the GOP brand.
"OMG I married captain stupid... he's ruined the world... OMG I married captain stupid... he's ruined the world."
"Is that a cash bar I see up there on the landing? Thank god, because there's nothing worse than coming off my drunk standing next to Bubba Prezdint."
I'm with Cynica. The Joker, but an ugly version. Nothing like a hangover.
I love that suit-wrinkling Vulcan death grip she has on Bushie's arm.
Sometimes I have to do that with my companion when I've been at the vodka and Valium too hard.
Laura looks BLIND! The vacant stare. The seeing-eye-POTUS. Give her a white cane.
"My Deer wife..."
karenzipdrive, I prefer Vodka and Vicodin, what wonderful rollercoaster ride that can be, but to each his own, as they say.
Princess, could you possibly find a wider shot? I'm pretty sure she's got roller skates on and Georgie's just dragging her around.
Ha ha! Mel, there was indeed a wider shot, so I'm sorry to say I can confirm a lack of roller skates or hand truck. I like your way of thinking, though!
She should sue her plastic surgeon. And her pdoc.
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