Wednesday, March 01, 2006


NBC 4 News "reporter" Barbara Harrison wants to lose some weight, so who better to get exercise advice from than... Princess Condi! Find out about the multi-part series --with video!-- here. OMG, I've been waiting all week for this*, and the brief segment did not disappoint! Please enjoy the pit-shot above, and the lovely full-frontal gaptooth pic below:

But don't get nervous that Channel 4 is going to go all, you know, journalisty on us, because they also featured a "report" this morning about how McDonald's will soon be offering new, more deliciouser coffee, so they can still transcribe corporate press releases with the best of 'em.

*An aside to all the people who emailed me thinking I had totally missed all the promos for the Condihealthstravaganza: did you really, honestly think I'd miss this? WTF? I find your lack of faith disturbing.

And, finally, no, it does not affect the Hairdo Alert Systemâ„¢ when Condi pulls her hair back into a ponytail (Wheeeee!) to work out.

UPDATE: Wonkette has the video. Hooray! Also, did anybody else see Katie Couric interviewing Barbara Harrison about her Conditastic workout? She was unable to disguise her seething jealousy.

UPDATE: Two more screenshots, and yes, I know these suck:


Lulu Maude said...

Gosh. One more thing I miss by living in the sticks.

Peteykins said...

Seriously, I had three emails this morning telling me I'd "missed" this story. As if!

People... you can't miss something that hasn't happened yet! At least wait for something to occur before you accuse me of missing it!

Karen Zipdrive said...

From the looks of things, Condi needs to pump a little iron and build up those Olive Oyl biceps.

Shelly said...

THis is my least favorite Condi thing. 1. I hate those skinny little tards on the work out videos. 2. I hate it when the Secretary of State tells me to pump iron. I didn't take that shit from Powell, and I am not going to take it from her, I don't care if her hair is in a pony tail.
Condipilates would be nice...
That is even fun to say...
Condipilates, Condipilates!!! WHEE!!!

pissed off patricia said...

What's up? Is Condi starting a new venture because she knows her present job is on the slide?

Laura said...

Oh.My.Goodness. I just read about this when I logged on AIM, and I ran here first to get the dirt on this Conditastic workout! And yes, I'll admit it. I like saying Condipilates too!

Unknown said...

Have you seen the Condi action figure PSP? Here is the link in case you haven't. I of course thought of you when I saw it this morning.

they have some very smarmy products since they are an equal opportunity basher.

Lulu Maude said...

Oooh I like that new stoop shot. She sorta looks like Michael Jackson in the profile, botched nose job and all.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the mention in the Express. Your name now litters the METRO with half-finished SODUKU puzzles and lesbian announcements!