Monday, March 03, 2008

Quickie: Washington Post Keeps Picking the Scab

OMG, the Washington Post headline yells this morning, For Black Superdelegates, Pressure to Back Obama! Never mind that the very same article demonstrates that they're also being pressured to back Clinton. I've also heard that female superdelegates are being pressured to back Clinton... or Obama, and that Hispanic superdelegates...

Blah blah blah. Well, you get the idea. Everybody knows the "mainstream media" is biased, but not toward the "right" or the "left"; it's biased toward conflict. And nothing's quite as conflicty as racial conflict! Yay!


Anonymous said...

Well put Princess. As ancient as I am not, I miss the reportage that I remember from the 70s. While it was jingoistic, nothing in the MSM is less so today, and at least then reportage conveyed a sense of objective authority. And then came CNN...

Your comment also reminds me of something I heard on NPR this weekend, regarding the death of Wm. F. Buckley. The article opined that the 1968 on-air exchange between him and Gore Vidal (Pro-Crypto-Nazi v. socked-in-face-threatened Queer) was the beginning of the conflict-talk genre that has bled so heavily over into "real" journalism.

Anonymous said...

It's also biased toward Hillary Clinton (you know, that crabby old lady who always loses?). No one's puttin the spotlight on FEMALE superdelegate (I think there are a few).

Karen Zipdrive said...

At this point, I don't give a damn if one Super Delegate punches another Super Delegate in the throat.
After a month of the incessant Hillary/Obama saturation, I want both of them to get the fuck out of Texas and leave us alone.
As for the Washington Post, I guess you'd have to actually live in DC and find it laying on the street to read it.
They peaked with Watergate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but Geraldo is Puerto Rican. so there.

Unknown said...

WaPo is a fine newspaper.

And if you believe that, George Bush is one of the best Presidents we have ever had.

WaPo is like every other big conglom..besides owning Newsweek "It also owns or partly owns a number of television stations, web sites, a suburban Maryland chain of community newspapers, a cable-television company, a daily newspaper in Everett, Washington, and Kaplan, a leading global provider of educational services."-educational services? Wotta hoot!

And Newsweek..that wonderful home of Karl Rove right?

Anonymous said...

I was being polite about WaPo.

Distributorcap said...

wapo -- great for picking up dog shit, like the NY Post and now the NY Times