Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, talks with NBC newswoman Andrea Mitchell during a question and answer session at the Women's Foreign Policy Group's Annual Luncheon in Washington, Monday, Dec. 10, 2007.(AP Photo/Kevin Wolf)
Andrea Mitchell is so thoughtful! Just as I've demonstrated, build a superb matching armchairs photo-op, and Condi will come. Well played, Andrea! It's kinda like a standard MAPO crossed with a dueling podiums on stage thing with The View thrown in. I would call this media forward. And look: Condi's holding her invisible friend. Long time no see, Condi's invisible friend!In other news: there's a Women's Foreign Policy Group! Neat!
UPDATE: Oh, and what did Condi talk about? The CIA torture tapes? What? What CIA torture tapes? I'm sure Condi has no idea what you're talking about! Can we please get back to freedom being on the march 'n' stuff?
Is it my imagination? Does the esteemed Dr. Rice's face seem a little puffy--botox maybe? Her face seems puffier in another photo. Yes, I'm being vain.
Andrea Mitchell jumped the shark back when she married Alan Greenspan.
They are divorced now but the cooties remain.
The ultimate please-give-me-a-barf-bag Kondi scene, with that dreadful Mitchell...
Minor ice skater, minor piano player, minor Ph.D (from the "University" of Denver) minor photo-op Secretary of State:
It's all about the Kondi ME, ME, ME, the "Dr" Rice, and people looking at ME, ME...
(no, not Maine)
Appalling in its egocentric vulgarity. American-idol time.
I'll take Oprah anytime. At least Oprah has brains -- and charm.
Heard Elizabeth Bumiller on NPR this morning discussing Condi and the new scathing book about her. I'd call that media backward, when the MSM steals Sparkle PonyTM insights and then pretends they're all theirs and stuff. As if!
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