Quartet Middle East Envoy Tony Blair, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (L-R) converse at the Israel-Palestinian Peace Conference at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, November 27, 2007. REUTERS/Jim Young (UNITED STATES)
It turns out that, no, not really! The participants were outnumbered by handlers and photographers. They sat at a round table. There were, like, a billion helicopters everywhere. And the participants sat and... chatted! They had totally unsubstantial conversations which could have taken place over the telephone, but telephone conversations, after all, make for poor photo-ops. This was basically a meeting to discuss having more meetings, and anybody who works in an office environment knows what that's like.
Oh! I almost forgot the important part: Condi's hair! Well, it still seems kinda unstable at the moment, so I'm not lowering the Condoleezza Hairdo Alert System level until I'm sure that coiffure has settled down a little.
omg! why does her hair look longer? did she have it straightened? and what shoes? and is that her dominatrix black suit? i wait with breathless anticipation for the answers.......
Yeech! The hair.
Is that the Condi or the 'Bot?
What? No mention of the hawtness of Israel's FMILF? I love her just for the name Tzipi. I could say that all day. Tzipi, Tzipi, Tzipi.
OMG! Just saw the Dotoressa on the teev, and that 'do is a great big DON'T!! Inflated, helmet-y, and of an unfortunate length that gets all fringy around the shoulders as she talks (and why does she always pull her neck down and/or push her shoulders up when at a podium? Makes her look like a turtle retreating into her shell).
Also: the world's most enormous pearl-beads. They kind of work for a longshot like this photo, but in a close up, it's like she's sporting ping-pong balls.
Looks as though Tzipi's examining the Condiffure closely. I wonder if she reads this blog?
definately the 'bot.
Tzipi's looking for dandruff...
What happened to that perky post birthday do, and the genuinely
happy face that went with it?
It's the bot, no question. Usually, the bot looks fisty and perturbed, but in this picture she's more fisty and forlorn, or maybe fisty and wistful.
Fayyad seems to sense her android menopausal tension and wishes he could help, but alas he doesn't have a degree in imagineering, so he'll have to wait until the Disney folks show up to fix this.
Definitely the 'bot. And boy howdy, does the 'bot need some hair-maintenance. The "shag" 'do went out with Mrs. Brady back in the 70s, lady.
May I say also that I love matty boy?
Tzipi Livni? Has she a sister called Tharpo?
Fayyad, the Tzipster & Co. are clearly admiring the high-quality workmanship that produced the Condibot (The hair! The pop-bead pearls! The plucky yet strained grimace!).
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