First up, is the affable Viennese giantess really wearing lime green,gingham-patterned slacks with red gingham Chuck Taylors? Yes, yes she is:

OMG, how many more ways can the nutty diplomatrix make me love her?
Our Austrian correspondent explains: The link opens up Ursula's picture in an Austrian
newspaper's photo gallery on politicians and fashion. It was taken at a party conference earlier this year.
I'll have you know that --forget Ferragamo-- Chuck Taylors are the official preferred hoof covering of PSP, so I'm familiar with these shoes, and they're even wackier than you can tell from the above photo. Check them out:

You can order them direct from Converse or here on Amazon. Be wacky like Ursula!
The second contribution from our Austrian Pony Pal™ is this incredible monument sculpted in... sugar? I don't get it, but I like it:

Ursula and former Austrian chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel (dressed as Mozart) cast in sugar. This about 120 cm high sugar sculpture was made as a window display at the Demel patisserie in Vienna. Ursula and Wolfgang were placed on a rotating disc, ever so tenderly embraced in an eternal waltz. Please note Wolfgang's little pedestal. It was to commemorate Austria's presidency of the EU in the first half of 2006, as well as Mozart's 250th birthday in the same year (hence the Mozart costume for Mr Schuessel, who in real life isn't very tall, either).
Sweet stuff, indeed! Let's give a big hand to our wonderful Austrian correspondent!
It's never casual day in embassy circles. I say we stone her! Stone the giant witch!
OMG, blasphemer!
Bad Monkey!
(heh, heh.)
I love those shoes. I am also completely in favor of the whole food sculpture thing, and the tableau in sugar is one of the finest, most absurd examples I have yet seen. Bravo, PSP! Bravo AC!
Okay, it's gone past everything now. I'm saving all my pennies and dimes from now on for a one-way ticket to Vienna, where I will prostrate myself in front of her and beg for mercy. I must be free of this spell she has put on me, or I must belong to her completely.
I guess the third option is she could crush me like a bug, but I'm not into that aspect of giant women. Honest.
I am so jealous. Why can't we have an affable giantess diplomatrix with a quirky fashion sense running our state department? Even if she doesn't have an invisible friend
She's way too cool.
she is SO ursula andress!
God, our politicos are such drips.
Why can't we have an Ursula and a Wolfgang?
-- desertwind
The green! And! Red! With ShawlScarfWrap!
And even her sugared likeness has its very own scarf!
The caption from the linked article describes her look as "Jung-und-Hip". Indeed.
Never have I been so proud to be 1/8 austrian. (The other time was during my many viewings of the Sound of Music as I child -- this is how it is when you grow up gay). Thanks PSP and thank YOU Ursula.
Dear Boys and Girls,
This is Austro-Hungarian Empire propaganda at its best.
Enjoy! (as your US waiter might say).
Franz Joseph would have rolled over in his grave...
"If only," he's probably thinking, be it in hell or heaven, "I had been like Ursula, the Empire would have been maintained."
PSP--- i have tapped the creative juices (a la Condi/Patti Duke) and produced another Cecil B Distributorcap productin. this one is dedicated to you
Miss Princess Sparkle Pony,
Distributorcap apparently has an enormous crush of you. His homage to Ursula is gorgeous, so much so it's clear it's an homage to Ursula's discoverer.
pssst: DisCap! Niiiice!
...crush ON you....
OMG I LOVE Marzipan! Not JUST sugar, but almond paste made of, you got it, mostly sugar! SWEET!
It's almost as if she was styled that day by the ad agency that produced those mentos commercials.
Ursula the Fresh Maker!
OMG, I can't believe how wonderful she is. Look for a big stack of exit visas to pile up on Condoloonie's desk with destination:Austria written on them.
Thank you so much for bringing her into our lives.
I do notice, that in the interest of maintaining diplomatic dignity, she had the fried eggs taken off her ankles.
Ooops... wrong about the fried eggs. My visual discrimination isn't the best.
BTW, I saw yer ol' crush Adam Kokesh at yesterday's peace rally. He's getting a little boring.
Still cute, though.
Those shoes are hot.
That diplogoddess is hot. Love the egg-shoes; so "country girl" without the hayseed.
Hey Condi--
Why don't you put an egg on your shoe and beat it!
OMG what IS that slideshow link? There's Arnold in some crazy blanket-cape. And some politician dressed as Dweedle-Dee (and/or Dum) and crazy hats and just all around political wardrobe zaniness!
Nice post! I love my Converse shoes and got it from
they are AWESOME
Nice post i like it.
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