U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrives for an Asia-Pacific Ecomonic Cooperation (APEC) business meeting at Sydney's Opera House Sept. 7, 2007. (AP Photo/Adrees Latif, POOL)
Also, even on the other side of the globe, they know that matching armchairs are truly the international language of diplomacy:

Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura, left, shakes hands with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice prior to their talks in Sydney, Australia, Friday, Sept. 7, 2007. Their meeting was held on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum ministerial conference. (AP Photo/Toshiyuki Matsumoto, POOL)
Perfectly executed! Well done, Aussies!
do you think the shoe queen travels with those disposable hankies since she shakes so many hands and hands are the transporters of disease. we wouldnt want la reina zapata to get an icky disease from a far off land and have to blame it on some foreign leader
or does she just pick her nose like her husband, nope boyfriend, nope boss does.
That top pic indicates the roasted kangaroo buffet disagreed with her.
And you KNOW her brillance was TOTALLY behind the recent North Korean peace offering. In no way were the efforts of Madeline Albright or other former Clinton and Bush I officials involved.
No siree. It was ALLLL her.
Holy SHITE that woman can look scary. She looks like she's trying to get some of that kangaroo meat out from between her front teeth!
And of course the king is correct--those liberals did ZERO during their reign, compared with the tons of ass-kicking that BushCo has done!
The look on her face up there is all "back off muthaf**kahs". Whoa hold up bee-yach!
Condi is going to have to retire from public life after her husband goes back to the ranch. She will have swollen knuckles from all that hand shaking and will require a great deal of P.T.
(That's physical therapy, not potty training, although...)
Yikes! That first picture looks as if her nose has grown arms and is trying desperately to lift itself off of her face! Be free, little nose! Be free!
And the second one, uch. Girl, listen: you do that look all the time, and it didn't work in Washington with the white chairs and poinsettias during Christmastime, and it sure doesn't work now. Red outfits and white hose are not your friends.
Repeat after me, Condi, because most of the world is already on board with this: "I am NOT Santa Claus."
Devoted Pony Pals™ will remember the picture of Condi through an odd lens that made her look like an alien in a cheap sci-fi movie.
The top picture makes her look worse. She has that "WTF did you wake me up for?" look that I'm sure we have all seen on the faces of our significant others sometime in the past.
The good news: At least we know now that she sleeps in stylish red jam-jams and wears her pearl earrings to bed. Yay!
I have to say that first pic is the official "stinky panty" look.
Does she often wear the domineering red to such events?
She could scare me straight!
Oh, please tell me that first pic was not taken while on the 'thunder box', as I believe it's known 'down under'.
I know she's an international soopastar, but can't a sheila get a little privacy?
Time to freshen up the blog, Princess~
C'mon Pony, that picture of Condi is making me feel how she looks.
Whoa... check out the support hose.
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