Austria's former Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel, Palestinian Foreign Minister Ziad Abu Amr and Austria's Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik on their way to the Salzburg Trilogue " Reason is God's Scale on Earth" on Sunday , Aug. 12 , 2007, in Salzburg, Austria. (AP Photo/Kerstin Joensson)
Pony Pals™ have been aching, pining, insisting on fresh Ursulaproduct, but you can't post what isn't there! Yesterday, finally, Ursula popped up before the cameras again, and, as ever, she thrills us with wonderful new peculiar fashions! Be still, my heart!
I can't help but wonder if her excellent red/black/white color scheme is inspired by the White Stripes' new album, Icky Thump? She's got de stijl, that's for sure. I'm particularly thrilled by the massive boulders which make up her necklace, but it's the cummerbund, obvs, which hits the couture ball out of the park.
It's like falling in love with the affable giantess all over again.
Oh, Princess, THANK YOU for the new UrsulaPix!! If I may, though, the waistly accoutrement seems to be more in the category of Japanese obi than of cummerbund. In conjunction with her chunkified necklace, this is clearly a nod to East-West cooperation.
Need more proof? Palestinian Foreign Minister is ALSO wearing a red, white & black power outfit.
Palm trees? in Salzburg?
Oh--they're in pots. Took me a second to see that. I was afraid that Salzburg had moved way far to the south, or that desertification was proceeding very rapidly in eastern Europe.
On a serious note- I think we may have found a way to pave the road to peace. Diplomatic Color Matching!
Wow. I am silenced. My heart beats with a rapidity not experienced of late.
That necklace redefines the words "costume jewelry"!
And the cummerbund replete with black string thing and adornment leaves me feeling a bit weak in the knees.
She may have been absent, but she has certainly made up for it with this appearance!
Thanks PSP! What a way to start the week. It is Ursula-tastic!
Keister, in Japanese, obi literally means belt, so I'm sticking with the much more fun-to-use cummerbund.
I just knew there would be happy Ursula fans this morning. Yay!
I just want to swear on my blogger's oath that I was NOT the anonymous person begging for more Ursulaproduct. I am more than willing to beg under my own name.
That said, OMG!!!! Clearly, Ursula is God's Scale On Earth, while the rest of us scurry around like mice below her feet. But then we realize, she's not going to crush us! She kind of likes us! Yay, God! Yay, Ursula!
Look at the woman in yellow in the background, the one with the erect nipples. Her body language is a little stand-offish, but she's coming to the realization of the Brobdingagian benevolence that is Ursula Plassnik.
What can be said in such situations but... Yay!
Ursula in bikinis: http://www.egy.com/social/01-01-01.1.html
Ursula naked! I knew it existed!
Her Gigantic Benevolence at long last! Hooray!
Truly, she stands head and shoulders above the rest of the mere mortals in Diplomacy-land.
New tactic for Peace in the Middle East: Threaten to throw everyone in the pool and cannonball them until they agree to do the whole swords-to-plowshares thing.
Thank you Princess! My little heart was about to give out; now it's been (clear)SHOCKED back into rhythm by Ursula and her cutting-edge fashion sense. Oooh, baby!
How refreshing to see Ursula again. And she's so creative--taking one of her scarves and fashioning it into a cummerbund.
phew -- and i thought Ursula was considering making a man out of Mittens........
glad to see she is giving new ideas to Donna Karan
I love the moment captured there. The handbag thrown casually over the shoulder. Ziad Abu Amr looking like he's trying to pull away from the war stories of a "former" chancellor. Ursala about to say, "will you excuse us Wolfie dear? I have to powder my nose and Ziad is about the escort me. Perhaps we'll see you later at dinner?"
Is that one of Ursula's spare cummerbunds that "Austria's former Chancellor Wolfgang Schuesse" is rockin'?
Achtung, baby!
I'd like to bite Ursula's giant pants off!
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