Thursday, July 12, 2007

Next Stop: Schadenfreud City!

Oh dear, yet another hardline conservative has succumbed to the lure of the tearoom! Pity poor Bob Allen, the Florida state legislator who got arrested for solicitation yesterday in one of Titusville's finest public restrooms. I'm sure it was all a mistake, because Mr. Allen is, of course, a Republican and, naturally, quite the vocal proponent of the sanctity of marriage 'n' stuff! So it just can't be true!

The Miami Herald's account is fairly straightforward, but Pony Palâ„¢ Joe makes it extra-delicious.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps Bob Allen was merely out doing field research to see what it was in men's semen that made homosexuals so flambuyoant.
Yeah, yeah that's it...

Matthew Hubbard said...

I'm not sure about the flam, but I'd bet dollars to donuts (mmmmmm! donuts!) that Rep. Allen is buoyant. Go to the extra-delicious link to see for yourself.

Fran said...

Most fabulous extra-delicious! I think that poor Bob Allen was probably assaulted by one of those roving gangs of snarling, pink-pistoled lesbians and "turned" towards the "homosexual lifestyle".

Reasonable explanation, right?

HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...

love it. LOVE IT.

Anonymous said...

Sad. Guys like him go through life hating themselves, all the while watching other folks in the same position trainwreck. They convince themselves it won't happen to them, then they're caught in their own lie & can't believe it's happening. It's like a bugzapper.

Jess Wundrun said...

Why did he have to proposition a cop? Wouldn't he have been more successful if he had just gone to the Florida RNC's cocktail hour?

dguzman said...

Man, what the hell is it with these republican guys!? Gees, wake up and smell the semen, guys! It's okay to be gay! Of course, it's NOT okay to be republican, but I'm sure there's a support group for people who are "that way."

Anonymous said...

I think it's OK to be a Refuglican, it's just not OK to be a chickenhawk war profiteer.

Anonymous said...

*sorry* completely off topic, but it made me laugh so hard I almost wet myself: if you search

for Hillary Clinton... well I will leave it for you to write a caption for~ it is picture no. 6

Anonymous said...

oohh, and pic no. 8
I only write it here because I live in England and it is about 1am, far too late for me to find a Hillary blog up to PSP standards at this time ~ not that there could ever be one

Anonymous said...

just imagine the odds of propositioning a police officer and imagine how many people he's probably propositioned before!
OMG Indeed!

Anonymous said...

Since when does a man need to be paid to get a blowjob?
If John Edwards used campaign money for his $400 haircut, d'ya think this joker used his campaign dough on paying to blow guys?

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that Bob Allen also was McCain's Deputy Campaign Director.

pissed off patricia said...

Don't cha just love my state of Florida! We're just a laugh a minute, aren't we? Jeezz, we can't get one political sex scandal behind us before another one pops up. So many fake family pols, so little time to nab them all.

Fran said...

Oh but Patricia, we do miss one of our favorite Floridians, Katherine Harris.

Diane Griffin said...

She shows up on Sam Seder from time to time ;)