In this picture made available by the Austrian Foreign Ministery Croatian Foreign Minister Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, retired senior official of United Nations Relief and Work Agency, UNRWA, Angela Williams, Burundi'd Foreign Minister Antoinette Batumubwira, her counter part from Austria Ursula Plassnik, Minister Delegate for Scientific Research from Algeria Souad Bendjaballah, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Karen Koning Abuzayd from the United Nations, from left, are seen during a conference called "Woman Leaders - Networking for Peace and Security in the Middle East" at Vienna's Hofburg palace on Thursday, May 31, 2007. (AP Photo/Austrian Foreign Ministry, Bernhard J. Holzner, handout)
Whoah, caption overload! Anyway, Austrian diplamazon/scarf enthusiast Ursula Plassnik threw a big party for all her girl world leader friends, and even though the theme was "networking for peace and security in the Middle East," they went ahead and invited Condi anyway! Why would you invite Condi to such an event? Probably because if they didn't, I guess, she'd mope, pout, and bomb Syria and then totally not share her brownie recipes. Tsk. I wonder if the wire photographers will be allowed to attend the inevitable giggly slumber party to follow? I'll be crossing my hooves!
Maybe inviting Condi to the event was simply a joke, an obviously incongruous "one of these things is not like the others" kinda deal? I mean, c'mon, one of those ladies must have hissed to her neighbor, "Ew, what's she doing here?" Perhaps her presence was intended as a handy visual aid so that each and every participant could start her speech with the phrase, "Unlike Condi, here...." Or maybe the affable giantess thought it would be great for everybody's morale to give Condi a queen-sized slap up on stage in front of just everybody? Maybe:

UPDATE: BTW, yes, Tzipi was there. Micheline was not! Must be either that "we're neutral" thing or maybe being president got her all uppity.
ZOMG! The top photo is totally, like, the last supper for us U-girl fans and acolytes! It's okay that Condi's there. Jesus had Judas n'all...
Let me be second in line to thank the Princess for The Return of U-Girl!!! The scarf in the second picture actually quietly enhances The Proud Prow of Plassnik, that which we naughty little monkeys should spend no time thinking about.
And we inevitably fail at this.
Then the obvious questions: Tzipi? Micheline? Angela Merkel? Mags from UK? How about our favorite hottie sleepover girls Dora and Josee?
We need more pix!
Thank you, Pony; I have missed her so.
I agree with matty. Where the hell was Tzipi at the "Women for Peace in the Middle East" conference.
i have been having the most stressful day and whoa baby... OMG it is one big U FEST!!! All my cares have been swept away by this post.
And I do get a little more tingly than I should admit at the thought of a big back-handed U-slaporama at Condi.
I am suddenly speechless.
This must be added... Condi does look pretty pleased about what is on its way.
The Austrian Foreign ministry has a lovely gallery of Ursula spreading love to all sorts of women from this event. Also, check out Ursula forcing Tzipi to shake some short lady's hand on the homepage.
There are almost too many scarves to handle.
Wow. That was one of your masterpieces, Princess. And jterry, thanks for the awesome links.
Forget it - I can't even go to work now, after seeing that Austrian link!
Tzipi looks terrified yet filled with anticipation in that one shot.
Ursula has some gal pleasin' hands on her. In lesbo parlance, the girl's hung!
Praise der Glitzenpony! I was going into some serious Ursulove withdrawl.
Oh yes, Princess! You knew I needed an Ursula-fix, and you delivered! Complete with BI-VISION TV screen!
That short lady is Palestinian Hanan Ashrawi. She just appears to be that much shorter thanks to Ursula.
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