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Few things have the power to send me running back to my office for my camera during my lunch hour, but oversized inflatable novelty rodents with disgusting, diseased stomachs are among them.
I've seen the picket rat before (at Pony Pal™ Joe's place), but the metaphor really confuses me. Supposedly the rat is enlisted when an employer is... well, rat-like. OK, so the rat represents the wayward employer, but then why is the rat holding picket signs? Which side is the rat on, anyway? I so don't get it. I think the rat is a flip-flopper. Let's call him Mitt!
That's a baaaad case of rodent herpes right there.
I watched The Departed last night, and I think I have it -- There are good rats and bad rats, right? Sometimes the good rats have to act like bad rats, and sometimes the bad rats have to appear to be good, but in the end, you still have to call the Orkin Man, and hope he's not a rat, too. Because, in the end, rats need to be...
The rat symbolizes greed, and...
You're right: I don't get it. Do you think that carpenters union are Republicans? 'Coz then it would all make sense... after a fashion...
It looks like the rat is trying to get us to eat more pizza, by sporting a delicious pepperoni pie right on his fuzzy belly. Thanks, Mr. Rat! I'm on the phone to Domino's right now!
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