Uh, oh: Obama's in trouble, because everybody's favorite lunatic Jesusy fired judge, Roy Moore, has looked upon him and found him lacking. Barack was asked about the commandments kerfuffle in Iowa, and sensibly responded that, "the monument would tend to give non-believers the "feeling that [they] wouldn't be treated as fairly as a Christian." He went on to state that, "We want everybody to feel they are treated equally."" The nerve! Moore, distracted momentarily from handling snakes and speaking in tongues, responded with one of the most wonderful eruptions of Christian doublespeak I've seen in quite some time:
"He doesn't understand, obviously, that religious freedom comes from God," the judge contends, "and we must acknowledge God as a state and as a people. This type of feel-good philosophy that he's espousing leads to things like taking 'under God' out of the Pledge, and 'in God we trust' off our money, and Christianity out of our lives, and it should be stopped."
Umm... got it! The cretinous unemployed judge then went on to challenge Obama to a debate. Yes, please!
The power of God compels you???? Wow that is about the best campaign slogan ever! Commandment schmamandment - I gotta go get registered to vote in another state because the power of God compels me to!!
Whhoooo boy, this is an amazing way to start my day.
BTW, Mrs "Less" as I like to think of her, will make an excellent Stepfordian political accessory!
That adoring glance...
Perhaps if Roy had gotten his way and gotten those commandments posted everywhere he might have been able to read all the way to number 7 (You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name) before approving the campaign poster.
OK, um... you guys know I Photoshopped that sign, right?
Clearly, Judge Moore is jockeying for the VP spot.
Brownback/Moore '08
Jesus is coming and we're making the casserole!
PSP!!! You know me, I am sooooo dang gullible when it comes to you!!
Tsk tsk you naughty princess! You duped me and I let myself be duped!!
Still, I think you should get to Less' oops I mean Moore's people ASAP! That is one campaign slogan opportunity they shouldn't miss.
Although they would never give you the props you would deserve for coming up with it.
You wouldn't happen to have referenced the Omen(or was it the Exorcist???) on that one, would you???
No, I didn't know, Princess. Touché. It's testament, if you will, not only to your 'shopping prowess, but also to how, aha, hellbent this guy is on God that I would accept that it was real.
I was actually thinking to myself, "Isn't that a riff on the exorcist?" (It is similar: "The power of Christ compells you!" At least, that's what the bunnies tell me). I even briefly thought he'd altered the wording just slightly so as not to piss off the Jews or something, and then I realized I'd been had.
Of course he doesn't care who he pisses off! Or that he's self-aware enough to realize that his views are even piss-worthy! Duh!
-samael7...my password isn't working anymore. Hm.
I was certainly fooled, Princess, not only because of your unparalleled Photoshop skills, but we've become so inured to these insane people in public that the phrase didn't seem at all out of place. Still, I did wonder if Judge Moore knew he was channeling "The Exorcist."
Not sure if this follows the PSP code of conduct, if not strike me down...
This kids, is NOT photoshopped-
If you google him you can also get to the website www.weneedmore.com. Frankly we need less.
Ok I sound like a 1 trick (pardon the analogy please) pony, so I am going to end my talk on this topic now before you want less of me.
Is that the Mrs.? She's tall enough not to need the adoring Nancy Neck Brace,but she's got her boy feeling presidential. Is she the second or third wife?
Would it be bad form to say to the dipshit known as Roy Moore:
Kiss my ass you crazy sumbitch and btw..Satan has your room ready.
US President Tim Kalemkarian, US Senate Tim Kalemkarian, US House Tim Kalemkarian: best major candidate.
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