New Zealand's Prime Minister Helen Clark, left, listens to President Bush, right, during their meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, March 21, 2007. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Don't you love it? The lady from the fictional country of "New Zealand" seems to be completely unable to look at Bush without scowling. Then again, she wasn't exactly swinging from the chandeliers when she met Condi yesterday, either. Maybe she's just not a very happy person? Or maybe she just knows an asshole when she sees one.
UPDATE: Do you need confirmation that Ms. Clark is a woman of discriminating tastes? Well, all you need to know is that the lady wears Pucci:

(Photo 03/06 AP)
OMG! Two sparkley hooves way, WAY up!!!
I believe this is the expression any human being with an ounce of morals would wear when considering Bush. Perhaps we are just too used to the adoring glances shot by old Crazy Eyes.
HAH!! That expression is priceless!!!.
And no one deserves it more.
What do you want to bet that Ursula has a Pucci scarf?
In that second photo she looks like Hyacinth Bucket!
Send the poor lady some Maalox before she has to meet the Chimperor again. . .
What a contrast! Pucci!!! Got to love that. Her haircut needs some adjustments however.
To me, that look indicates someone playing the favorite prankster's game "Who Cut The Cheese?". While Our President is no longer a drunken frat boy, classic comedy never changes.
After all, can even the Prime Minister of a made-up country say "Excuse me, Mr. President, but did something crawl up your butt and die?"
Dumbya just doesn't bring out the best in anybody.
She looking at bush like that because she is afraid he is going to hop up and try to rub her shoulders. Who could blame her?
Oo, can we call that "The Merkel Reflex?" Kinda like an all-over gag reflex induced when exposed to the presence of someone loathsome?
I am Frau Blücher.
Don't we all do this when he pops up on the tv and you can't find the remote quick enough?
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