US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (R) and Defense Secretary Robert Gates wait for the arrival of US President George W. Bush before he speaks to the press in the Rose Garden of the White House. Bush, just days from unveiling his new plan for Iraq, urged opposition Democrats who will control the US Congress until he leaves office in 2009 to back his spending priorities. Photo:Mandel Ngan/AFPI hadn't noticed before, but Gates is really short. Oh, oh. Otherwise, the chemistry between these dueling secretaries looks good, doesn't it? I mean, compare the above to any picture of Condi 'n' Rummy (like this one), and there's a world of difference. Don't get excited, though, because Bush is still in office, so it's not like there will be a real world of difference or anything. But Condi photographs a lot better with this Secretary of Defense, so that's really all that matters to us.
Yeah, now that Rummy's out of the picture I think you're gonna see many more happy shots of our girl Condi. Rummy was really mean to her and never let her do her job. Always stabbing her in the back at every turn. He did that to George Tennet as well. I read that in a book - I think it was "State of War" by James Risen (the guy who broke the warrantless wiretapping story.)
Yup, now when Condi fucks things up, it will actually be her own doing. Maybe after she leaves office, she'll steal your lovely collection of photos for her memoirs.
Did Condi pick up the jacket and skirt at the local thrift store on her way in to work today? Wanted to get something special for the photo op?
I bet she and Gates are already planning the first sleep over. Pizza and sodas and movies all night.
He's kinda like her photonegative. That's cute.
While I have already made my interest in this topic painfully obvious, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to see Our Ursula carry Li'l Bobby around snug to her giant bosom like Paris Hilton carries her chihuahua.
ugh. clicked on that link and got the shudders. nasty evil wretched man.
Condi's head looks awful big in this photo. Does this correspond to her lady parts issue? Is there a correlation? I just can't stop thinking about it....And her chest is all caved in. I'm starting to think 'hormones doing strange things' to our Condi.
Swell- just what we need, a new snack-sized SecDef.
Goodbye Rummy, hello Napoleon!
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