Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice greets Secretary General-elect of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon, at the State Department, Monday, Dec. 11, 2006, in Washington. Ban will succeed Kofi Annan as Secretary-General whose term will expire on Dec. 31, 2006. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)Yes, yes: Nora Ephron wrote a mean article on that Huffington thing about our favorite subject. That bitch! OMG, I could totally tear her hair out. A quick scan of Ephron's filmography at IMDB neatly summarizes my disinclination to read her no-doubt well informed (I presume by Penny Marshall, among others) opinion. I simply can't read something written by the person responsible for the Bewitched remake. Or Sleepless in Seattle. Yeesh!
But can we talk about Condi's revolving door today? Yes, it was one of those bonus rounds, where she quickly parades a series of bold-faced names past the obliging press corps. These folks are on the lowest (but still lucky!) rung of the photo-op ladder. They don't get matching armchair chattykins or, sad things, even a quickie dueling podium set-up. No, they get the Oh! Hello, cameramen! I'm just showing [insert visiting diplomatic presence's name] the door! photo-op, like this guy:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, right, greets Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli at the State Department in Washington, Monday, Dec. 11, 2006. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)What do you think of that Nervous Nelly? Doesn't he look timid in Dr. Ferragamo's presence? He should. My goodness, is he ever kissing ass! Don't feel bad for Mr. Ki-Moon up top, though, because he's, like, totally Kofi Annan II: Diplomatic Booglaroo, so he has endless, endless photo-ops with Condi to look forward to. What a lucky guy.
UPDATE: I've decided to call this format the bum's rush photo-op.
Ah, Nora Ephron -- writer of the John Travolta "classick" Michael, The notorious Steve Martin misstep My Blue Heaven, and mentor of Rob Reiner's descent into romantic comedy mediocrity... I know it's not good to admit these things publicly, but I do like the occasional romantic comedy, and Ms. Ephron does indeed make them. Call her a guilty pleasure... Very guilty...
Factoid: Did you know My Blue Heaven is the sequel to Goodfellas?
And how can we forget Nora's Serious Autobiographical Masterpiece, "Hearburn"? By the way, that picture of Rice and Georgian Prime Miniser Noghaideli is racist. Condi is literally fading into the dark woodwork.
But whom are they actually looking at when they shake hands, these dreadful, useless functionaries? Themselves in a mirror somewhere in the room?
I think they are in a hand squeezing contest and Condi is winning. She's looking into the implant in her brain and remembering the Klingon death squeeze.
Actually, Zurab looks like he's about to upchuck the Laura Pot Roast. Perhaps it was shaped like a dog.
It's like the clowns coming out of the clown car, never ending.
Uh, Nora Ephron is also wrong about the current administration cutting arts funding. They haven't done much of anything right, but they have given slight increases to the NEA, NEH, IMLS, and such.
But I agree with her latest book's premise: if my neck looked like hers, I wouldn't be happy about it either.
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