Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice, right, and Vice President Dick Cheney, meet with the media following their meeting at the State Department in Washington, Monday, Dec. 11, 2006. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)It's a slow start to the week, but have you heard? Condi 'n' George 'n' Dick figured everything out today, and I'm sure they'll let us know how to solve all the world's problems shortly. Phew!
I'm sad, though, because Condi's supposed to meet Tzipi, her fabulous Israeli counterpart, but there are no pics yet. Oh, why must they keep me waiting?
And also, Pony Pals™ know why Condi looks a little miffed in this picture:

That's right: George took Condi's invisible, spherical friend to cynically use as a prop in front of the press. Has he no shame?
so about three gobzillion pony pals musta sent you this already.
Nora Ephron thinks our Condi is Not. Funny.
I don't know what I like more about the upper picture; George's fig leaf stance, or Uncle Dick's Abercrombie catalog pose.
But guys... what's with the pastel ties? Don't you think that'll just embolden the enemy?
No, he has no shame.
She can't show it, but she's terrified that Dubya will drop her little pal.
He's so bad with other people's toys.
Those three together---I got a chill in my spleen and had to take come Condi-Xanax (it's got furrows).
But Big Dick Cheney always looks like he's swaggering and sneering. He looks like he swaggers when he drops one in his golden throne, he looks like he sneers when he flosses his teeth (just try it, but be CAREFUL), he looks like he shoves a French bread down his pants and thinks it does make him Big Dick Cheney. The guy bugs me way more than Condi. If he wore pearls it might help. All his politics aside, his veneer of Studly Warrior....well, if I had a Big Dick Cheney Doll I'd melt it slowly over a black candle while trilling 'La Marseillaise'.
Flabby rich white guys with attitude, YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!!!!!
Namaste, butthead....
Oh yeah, check out Bush's head in the first pic. It looks big, it looks photoshopped in fact. Think there might be something to the 'shrinking head' theory or do they make his head bigger to hide his growing Bush-gut? (Pregnant with ignorance).
OMG Bush didn't just drop the sphere, he DRIBBLED it!!1
Condi looks like she's doing everything she can to keep from slugging him.
What a jerk!
Dear Friends,
Please check this out
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nora-ephron/take-my-secretary-of-stat_b_35949.html -- from a member of the untrade-mark Princess fan club.
I'm surprised no one has commented on the dunce cap Condi is wearing in the first pic...
The second picture, a two shot of George and Condi, reminds me of a blow-up of a George and Dick two-shot from a few week's ago.
George has a lot of sun damage, especially on his neck, as we could expect of a wood choppin', brush clearin', bike ridin' kind of guy.
Dick's skin is baby smooth, with teeny tiny pores, like Princess Leia or something. Is he moisturizing like crazy? Or is this simply a case of vampires not aging, as any fan of Buffy or Angel already knows?
Condi's dunce cap, indeed. And it looks as though George forgot to tuck his microphone back in.
Guru, I would like to make myself a 'Namaste Butthead' shirt. Do you hold the copyright?
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