Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich (L) shakes hands with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Capitol Hill in Washington December 4, 2006. Picture taken December 4, 2006. REUTERS/Andriy Mosienko/Pool (UNITED STATES)Well, we've seen this before, haven't we? Over and over and over.... I'm afraid I'm tiring of the matching armchair photo-op, especially after getting spoiled by Condi's recent globe-trotting.
You know what would be totally superfun? If Condi and Vikky traded jobs for a day. Wouldn't that be cool? Well, not so cool for Yanukovich, I guess, because who would want to be Secretary of State of the US right now? You'd have to be crazy (sorry, obvs, Condi)! But Prime Minister Ferragamo would fully have a awesome time. I bet she'd totally invade Belarus and everybody would still love her! Yay!
Sorry to correct you, Princess, but the flags are the American flag (natch) and the flag of the Presidential Seal of the U.S. This is some room in the a gummint building, and they didn't think they had to pony up for a dumb ol' Ukrainian flag just because this bozo was visiting.
Ha ha! You know what, I totally caught it before you posted (honest!), and rewrote the whole thing.
Much better than that Jordanian train-wreck previously. The poinsettias and evergreen boughs on the mantle add a festive, jolly, December feel to the room and link both Old Glory and the rug chromatically, whilst also reminding the viewer about all the blood that's being shed for God© and country. And Princess Ferragamo's diet.
On the other hand, the white armchairs are a big no-no this time of year. We need warmer colors to soften the washed out, wintery pallor and vampiric countenance of La Condi. An amber or suede would be more flattering.
Check out the chairs to either side of the armchairs and note the shade of apholstery there. There must have been a mixup on the colors ("No no no! Chardonnay ARMCHAIRS for US, and CONNECTICUT WHITE for the TRANSLATORS!!" White wine, white chairs. Understandable confusion. Heads will nonetheless roll. She will feed well tonight.)
And girl, please. Those white semi-sheer hose make the baby jeebus cry. Not with your skin tone! We want you to appear MORE human, not less!
is it just me, or do Condi's legs look like they're taking over her body?
All that symmetry seriously creeps me out. And the entire Capitol Hill 'Louis the IIXXVVth" look makes me feel like I'm living in a Sears/Ethan Allen nation. If they REALLY want to be European---get that flash and panache so sadly lacking in American politics these days---they should throw a few pieces of classic IKEA around. A 'Billy' bookcase or two with the Readers Digest 'Ayn Rand' would add a touch of philosophical class to the scene.
Plastic furniture, as every European knows, tells people you didn't come from money and you are PROUD of it.
Ditto that on the legs, Anonymous.
It strikes me that there may be a white leg virus going 'round the neo-con women's club.
Plus he's not so much shaking her hand as he is holding hers in that paw of his.
Didn't they change the law so that all photo-ops are required to have boxes of Kleenex now? In deference to our Arab overlords, of course. I thought that was why Cheney was summoned to Riyadh.
That rug looks like it could have come from the Middle East...
Kondi -- the next glamor Anorexia victim? Certainly looks like it in that pix...at last something serious to read about while waiting at the supermarket checkout counter...
The Condibot is being pretty balsy meeting with Yanukovich, esp after KGB botched poisoning his opponent Yuschenko.
Dr. Ferragamo needs to check herself for pulonium 210 after that handshake...
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