President Bush gestures during a news conference in the Indian Treaty Room of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2006. (AP Photo/Lawrence Jackson)Two enthusiastic sparkly hooves up for Mr. Jackson for getting the angle just right.
UPDATE: Hot Air brings us speculation, via Matt Drudge, natch, that the photo is obviously part of the left's insidious Photoshop War against Republicans.
a halo? or a gigantic gong whose time has come to ring like the second coming on steriods!
He could be Winged Mercury, who lost his cushy spot on the dime back when I actually was a boy. (Think about it: a Christian nation with a pagan god on our money and nobody said squat for several generations.)
This would make him the Messenger Of The Gods, and the message is: They never really liked us that much, and now they're gonna show us just how much.
un vero cornuto...
Matty boy: "The Masons"
Enough said.
The echoing dark cavity of his mouth, leading to the echoing dark cavity of his mind.... I'm feeling all empty and dark myself here. Better get a cup of coffee with sugar for the cavities.
Thank you Princess, your eye is amazing.
Looks like a halo to me!
You should send that pix to "Hugh" Chavez as a Xmas card...
I can smell the sulfer now.
p.s. Matt Drudge is so aptly named.
There are several comments on Hot Air that claim that the photo cropper went out of his way to highlight the horns by lowering Bush in the photo, but that doesn't make sense. It would have looked more demonic if it had been cropped just above the horns. The cropper went to the trouble to put the entire seal in the background, lowering Bush in the frame. In other words, they had the choice of a halo or horns, and chose the halo.
Wait, check out his ears---they look pointier than before. We need an ear comparison. I suspect he's been taken over buy evil elves. That accounts for his crispy hair too as all the evil elves I've ever known have crispy hair from sitting too close to Satan at the dinner table.
'by evil elves' not 'buy evil elves'
I wasn't trying to hide my sales pitch for evilelves.com like all those horrid spammers do!
Or perhaps evil Elvis-es. I don't need angles or photoshop to see horns when I look at the man. Now the halo might be the result of photoshop.
With the golden halo he looks more like a saint in a Byzantine icon.
1. Abortion, murder, or moolah won't save thee. Only Jesus Christ;
2. Life's FAR too short to go to the abyss of Misery for eternity. But, yet, many people choose exactly that;
3. Repent and believe! WWIII looms!! Bush's a puppet for Satan, controlled by the Illuminati;
4. Only 2 realms after our lifelong demise, our Finite Existence... and 1 of 'em ain't too cool.
5. Choose: Our Mighty God vs. your wimpy ego.
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