Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, talks with National Security Adviser Steve Hadley in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2006 as President Bush met with Costa Rican President Oscar Arias Sanchez, not shown. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)I can just hear her hissing at him, "You want me to what? Oh, Stephen, honestly, give it a rest, OK?" But we've seen over and over that Stevie just can't stay away from her. He's drawn to her like a wonky moth to a glittering flame! And, ooooh, one of these days, he's gonna get so totally burned. I can't wait.
Condi looks like she kind of needs to poop. Perhaps too much cheese in her diet lately.
I think she's trying to get her mind around Costa Rica's total lack of a military. Or considering Hadley's proposal to do a "Wild On" Tamarindo special with him.
Not liking the gold chain action. If ever a day look called out for a nice subdued cut-jet necklace, this is it. Or even those goddam pearls.
Actually, from the expression on the Good Doctor's deeply lined face, "Costa Rican President Oscar Arias Sanchez, not shown" is in that condition because some of Condi's cabinet buddies are in the final stages of devouring the last morsels of him (while Stevie-boy leans in and encourages her to join in the Feast of the Damned).
Although, if in truth our leaders were to engage in foreign-dignitary cannibalism, I'm not sure she'd look so stunned...
They are talking about the best pills to get rid of constipation, in my modest opinion.
If they ever mass-produced of Haterade, don't you think Condi's face would need to be on every bottle?
Is it Steven Hadley or Jacob Marley come to tell her to mend her ways before it's too late? I think it's only the blank wall behind him that makes him look opaque.
Hadley: You smell nice
Condi: You what?
My vote's on Jacob Marley.
Hadley in chains a la Marley....maybe I WILL start to believe in the afterlife!
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