President George W. Bush holds his dog Barney and salutes while departing Air Force One at TSTC in Waco, Texas before spending a week at his Central Texas ranch in Crawford December 26, 2006. (Larry Downing/Reuters)Ah yes, Bush's protective bubble gets a little bit smaller and he's forced to rethink who he can trust in important confabs. Newly anointed Iraq advisor Barney will never, ever leak to the New York Times.
He may, however, take a leak on the New York Times.
gjdodger has said it all.
Dogs are man's best friend, but is Bush really a man?
GW has that intense, walk-and-chew-gum look of concentration on his face.
"Salute with the RIGHT hand, hold Barney in the LEFT hand. Okay, good, got through that."
if you look closely, you can see that barney's right hindepaw is actually entering dubya's brain cavity; carefully manipulating his almost subatomic hypothalmus and preformed semi atonomous limbic system, causing dubya, for the duration of the camera's shutter, to look and appear like a non-idiot, and refrain from noxious bodily discharges.
Barney too has a dangerous cancerous growth that surgery, let us hope, will eliminate from his furry body.
Dig the straight-jawed guy below the daaaooog's paws...
Aren't we a Christian nation or what?
God bless America.
Poor Barney. He's stuck with bush and can't escape. Someone call PETA, quick.
So this "president of the United States" walks into a doctor's office with this Scotty Dog growing out of his chest....
Bwaa ha ha! Reminds me of that evil guy from MADD on the Inspector Gadget cartoon of years ago, who always traveled with his Madd Cat by his side.
Ugh. The Decimator - er, Deciderer - perhaps thinks holding his doggy conveys some aura of innocence and decency to him. Not.
Barney may not leak to the New York times, but that doesn't mean he won't leak on the New York Times. Of course, for Bush, that may not be a bad thing.
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