U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, center, along with President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, arrive to at Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii, Monday, Nov. 20, 2006. (AP Photo/Marco Garcia)And it feels so good! I think she's totally glad this trip, maybe her frowniest ever, is over. Usually Condi has a grand time on her little visits, getting entertained and benignly ruling the matching armchair photo-op set. True, she never really gets anything done, and none of her hosts ever listen to her... but they like her, they really like her, even if they never take a single word she says seriously. This time, though, everywhere she went, there was Bush lingering around and reminding everybody who signs her paychecks. It totally cramps a gal's style. Next trip, let's hope Condi flies solo, and then perhaps she'll really get leid. I mean laid. Whatever.
Is there any truth to the rumour that GW saved his fabu shiny blue gown with elegant gold stiching and hip mandarin coller for Laura to replace that rather unruly purple/green sack of a gown?
I think they gave Steven Hadley the psychoactive lei .
Condi could sure use one of those Sponge Bob thingies after this trip! And probably after every trip with GWB.
He's just frowning because he's afraid Daddy is gonna spank him with little Gates---you know, the new War Priest of America.
Condi, you are ON my gift list this year. I wonder if they make the Sponge Bob Erect Thingy in Condi-pink? Humming the Star Spangled Banner? What titillation for all those Daughters of the American Revolution THAT would be.
Tee hee, tee hee....
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