Condi Rice shows appreciation for Canada's support on 9-11 by buying Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay coffee and the donut of his choosing.Thanks to Pony Palâ„¢ David, who also supplied the superb caption above, I headed over to the Toronto Star and almost exploded with happiness to find this slideshow, thrillingly titled Condi's Canadian Adventure. I mean, seriously, could they have come up with a more superfantastic title? Have I been ghostwriting for them in my sleep? And because Foreign Minister Peter MacKay is such an urban sophisticate, he took Princess Secretary to Tim Horton's Coffee Shop, which I have been assured is, like, totally Canada's Starbuck's*, something unlike anything Condi's ever experienced, I'm sure. What could be more fun? I mean, seriously... what could be more fun?
Oh, and I'm assuming that she also talked to Mr. MacKay about all those ultra-important issues upon which we work so closely with Canada. Totally.
*So weird, because all this time I thought that Starbuck's was Canada's Starbuck's! Are you guys sure it isn't Canada's Dunkin' Donuts?
UPDATE: Yes, yes, this encounter has resulted in a cavalcade of speculation. Um... whenever Condi appears with a single guy, this happens... even when, like Jack Straw or George Bush, they're married.
We don't really have a Tim Horton's equivalent. They have soup and sandwiches and coffee and they're extremely "white bread," even by Canadian standards.
Ah, so they're Canada's Cosi (maybe only an East Coast thing?)! Now I get it.
That's the great thing about being Princess of State--you learn so much about world culture. For instance, Condi knows that a Big Mac with Bacon in Paris is a Royal Deluxe, but in Canada it's just a Big Mac avec bacon.
If only I could experience such joy.
Tim Horton's started as a donut shop, but they've added some quick, lunchy things since they first opened.
It's Canadian Tire store that needs investigation- they give out Canadian Tire money that everybody and their mother has a drawer full of.
I got a pile of it from my former Canuck lover and I used it to buy a Bare Naked Ladies CD.
i just went to tim horton's in rhode island, of all places. i love rhode island but it is completely donut obsessed! and i can't imagine running into condi there... or lincoln chaffee.
Maybe he'll return the favor by offering her French Fries with gravy, not uncommon in Canada--at least, in my experience!
Tim Hortons is NOT Canada's Starbucks. Most of the great coffee shops in Canada are owned by small businessperson entrepreneurs, but Starbucks is everywhere as well. Timmies, as the locals like to call it, serve dishwater that passes as coffee and they put in your cream and sugar. annoying!!what?
dishwater is a bit much, its decent blue collar coffee-mild with a reliable caffeine punch and more easy drinkin' than that fancy paintywaist stuff. Gives a nice aroma to your piss.
but what about photo 3 of Condi's Conditastic Canadian Adventure? looks like MacKay is dangerously endangering Condi's spherical pal with possible coffee scalding!
Was this the standard LavaLife first date at a Tim Horton's coffee shop? (Been there, done that)
What would Condi have as a profile on there?
I can't believe that neither PSP nor any commenters have even mentioned that....THING Condi is wearing!! That has got to be the most godawful jacket everrr! It looks like a pie crust made out of adhesive drawer liners.
I think Condi's jacket was braided from corn husks and duct tape, as a Canadian gift to her from her fan Peter.
Just read an article in today's (Wed.) NY Times that Canada was all a-twitter about the time these two SINGLE people spent together.
We all know that CR splits her time pining for W and Jack Straw. An article in a supermarket tabloid was hawking a "showdown" between Laura and Condojezza.
Hot damn!
ew Tim Horton's is not Canada's Starbucks. Starbucks is Canada's Starbucks. Tim Horton's is Canada's Dunkin Donuts.
Dr Rice needed that coffe(black with sugar from Horton at the Pictou Rotary. It was a very cool morning at the Waterfront. She took her time to speak to folks and had her Security give her a little extra space. Not like Peters security, doesn't have any, he goes about the area as he always did, anyway and anywhere he wants.
Dr Rice left a very nice impression on the minds of Pictou County. Classy lady !
bottom line is I wouldn't be suprised if McKay has offered to let Condi have her way with him. Why not, Harper, our PM is doing exactly the same on bended knee with GW! Free Trade is a farce that only works when it works in the US's favour and Canada's new conservative govt can't seem to give enough of Canada away fast enough! BTW, the latest Softwood lumber compromise that is being foisted on CDN producers, is now enabling US companies to buy beat up Cdn producers for dirt cheap - nice tactics! US Game Plan: 1) Get the spinless Cdn politicians to sign free trade agreements in exchange for some trinkets 2) don't honour the agreements, beat up Canadian companies with illegal tarrifs, 3) then cherry pick Cdn companies and increase foreign ownership into Softwood lumber (Canada's economy is now foreign owned to the tune of over 50%)!
She looks like a surry with the fringe on top.
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