Friday, September 01, 2006

Condi: Old 'n' Busted. Angela Merkel: New Hotness

Oh, what a travesty! According to Forbes, our beloved Princesslomat is no longer the most powerful lifelike robot woman in the world.

Of course, I always thought it was ludicrous that Madame Doctor Secretary was ever considered to be anything other than Bush's prettiest handpuppet. But... Merkel?

Why does Forbes hate America?

EDIT: Wow! Hello, visitors from Crooks and Liars! My goodness, but there are a lot of you. Awwww! *pinches cheeks*


PWhit said...

and to think you were worried about your site stats....

Unknown said...

People know sparkly goodness when they see it PSP...

Poor Merkel..damn could you find a shittier pic of her?

Anonymous said...

Powerful Princess!

Is that what happens to one's physique when one gets a back rub from Dubya? Alas, poor Merkel ...

Karen Zipdrive said...

Frau Merkel showed world-class restraint when all she did in reaction to Bush's inappropriate groping was to grimace.
I'd have said, "Get your fucking hands off me, schweinkoph!

Lulu Maude said...

Well, well... Condi's lost her status because it's gotten out that the Bushies don't take her seriously. She ain't where the power is in that gang of thieves. She hasn't even made any money off this war, so how can she be seen as powerful??