Thursday, May 11, 2006

State Department Matching Armchairs Photo-Op Hidden Messages Revealed!

So believe it or not, Condi had yet another photo-op today, and they didn't even have to change the flower arrangement. I guess they just cart 'em in-n-out of there on hand-trucks all day long, telling each and every one, "Hold on, you've got to sit a spell with Condi for Reuters' Yuri Gripas/Jim Young/Larry Downing (and watch out for that one), etc.:

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (R) meets with her Jordanian counterpart Abdelelah al-Khatib in Washington in Washington May 11, 2006. REUTERS/Jim Young
Jim Young is, of course, one of Reuters' most dedicated Condirazzis, so he knows exactly how to line-up the optimum matching armchairs shot.

And lined-up just right in this case, because I couldn't help but see a certain pattern emerge... could it be a little subliminal propaganda? You be the judge:

So I guess the answer to my question earlier today --"Are we sick of these yet?-- can be answered with a resounding "No!"


Unknown said...

Only you would spot that PSP..thats why we heart you, always looking out for our best interests.

Anonymous said...

Oooh subliminal messages! Love it!

You know Condi is in exactly the same position in this photo as in her last photo op with the Chiarman of Bosnia or you think she even bothers to get up when a new person is brought into the photo op?

Anonymous said...

Da Condi Code deciphered!

Karen Zipdrive said...

Princess, I am in awe of your keen eye. Only you would make the connection, and only you could illustrate it so clearly.

Anonymous said...

Sparkle: Your astute decipherings of Cond-icons are an important (and thank God amusing) reminder of the permanent themes of visual propaganda: repeat the same pattern (in this case "W") all the time, to make a permanent impression on the target audience's mind of the importance and omnipresence of The Leader. A few variations are allowed, not to make the recurrent image too boring; and, as you point out often in your blog, there are screw-ups in the State Dept Condimage (Hitler's & Stalin's goons were more efficient in this kind of visual manipulation, no matter how much Condi's handlers try to make her visually iconic a la totalitarian).

You blog is one of the more intelligent things going. Thank you for opening our eyes.

Lulu Maude said...

Yes,yes to all these praises, but what's that furry little thing between them in the foreground? An escaped raccoon? A terrorist terrier? What??