OMG, sometimes you can just tell that it's superfun to be the Secretary of State, and today must have been the greatest, because Our Princess got to just stand there quietly in the swanky Roosevelt Room at the White House whilst His Majesty rambled on aimlessly about Darfur. All she had to do was stand there and look pretty, and as all Pony Pals™ well know, there's no job she does better. But what's wrong with My Little Secretary™? Condi, are you paying attention?

Oh, oh. Condi! Condi! Condi, wake up! You're missing the best part!

Condi, snap out of it! You're up there to make Boss look good!

Phew! That's better!
All photos from today. The top two by Reuters/Kevin Lamarque, then AP Photo/Ron Edmonds and AFP/Tim Sloan.
Jebus fucking christ. All anyone rational has to do is LOOK at these people and know we are in deep, deep shit.
What kind of bizarre world are we living in, where a racist piece of shit spoiled brat of a president has a black woman as his spokesperson?
Is she pouting or what? The grimacing expression is SO photogenic and sets the tone for whatever that Dipshit-in-charge is saying.
I'm sorry it is so rare that the Princess is not number one re Condi, but this time I hafta give the caption prize to Rising Hegemon. But I'm still catching my breath on the parked hairdo from before. xoxoxoxo
Even pretty,pretty princesses get the blues.
Me thinks the Bot needs new batteries. The limited facial expressions are a dead giveaway. Perhaps they could put one of those solar chargers on her back and never never have this problem again. On the otherhand, I think turning off the BUSHBOT totally forever would help solve some of his/our problems.
No, I don't think that's the Condibot, because the Condibot looks a lot better. Obviously, though, this is just exactly the right situation for which the 'bot was invented, but I suppose it was out for repairs or something.
Oyster mucus sighting!
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