The power-shopper made a trip to New York City today (shoe vendors rejoice!) to visit her little fair-weather buddies at Associated Press' offices (photos by Richard Drew). They chatted about Iran 'n' Darfur and other totally boring stuff. I'm assuming the AP guys were all totally serious and mean, too, because you know what happens when they get all serious, right?

Yup, out comes Condi's invisible friend. Awww. Don't worry, Girlfriend, you're in New York! A quick trip to Bergdorf's will make all that stress go away.
Wow, this is, like, the most Condiriffic Monday EVER!
You had me at the Title..and then to toss in the "invisible friend"..I damn near blew spring water out my nose..
I'm verklempt!
Condi is not just a Secretary, and I'm in a state! Discuss! (poot, sniff!)
btw the word verification was "vpusy". Coincidence? I think not!
Oh! Either that Klingon-like forehead of hers was photoshopped , or she really DOES control her invisible friend's cloaking device.
Maybe she's still upset about Jack...
I still don't think she has an invisible friend. I think she has a penchant for describing the size of her gargantuan balls.
Botox time, or rather overdue! Who will take her seriously if she can't walk expressionlessly into any room?
B'elanna? Is that you?
OMG! It's B'Elanna Torres lost sister!
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