The funniest Secretary of State bashing in quite a while comes from the New York Times, which yesterday featured a hilarious exposé of Princess Spendoleezza's most tired, worn-out diplospeak. Check it out and laugh!
Also, it just goes to show that you go into World War III with the Secretary of State you have, not the one you wish you had.
Holy shit batman...that is downright scary on a Monday morning..I don't need my coffee to wake me up now dude.
That's sort of sad.
Perhaps she was the kind of little girl who'd go onto the playground asking at random, "Will you be my friend?"
Or maybe she prefers friends who speak another language so she doesn't have to actually speak to them.
Yay Condi! So many BFFLs!!! (Best Friend for Life)
must be short-term memory loss.....quick, give her the Fickle Finger of Fate Award before she catches on to her error......
love the shifty botfacefoto...lol
Oh Princess,how come you missed it? The hairdo just mussing itself up under Jack's intense gaze. Wild nights at the White House be praised!
Wow! That was really fun! It's swell to have so many no better friends, and even more fun to compare facial expressions as she utters that glowing praise.
Of the six diplomats she is pictured with, only Jack Straw is looking RIGHT AT HER.
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