I know... it's sad and frustrating, isn't it? After all, this is the only color-barred alert system you actually want to raise! This hurts me more than it hurts you, OK? But look, here's a couple of shots of Dr. Princess from yesterday:

(Reuters/Jim Young)

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
OK? The hairdo is just sitting their listlessly, and it's been in a holding pattern for months now, without even a simple "updo day" for relief. That's not good for this blog and, by extension, America. Tsk.
I think she's letting the red dress do her 'style' talking for her.
Either way, she truly is remarkably unattractive, because her inner ugliness oozes out like puke in a silk purse.
This morning I had a really surreal experience: seeing Condi on French TV, with here eyes sort of all shiny and demony, talking away - as a French voiceover translated. C'est horrible.
Mais non... c'est Condifique!
I'm glad to know that you fully understand what is bad for this blog is by extension bad for America. Your responsibility is great, Princess.
LOL! by "extension"! was the pun intentional?
...coif extensions in condi's 'do would definitely raise the alert level!
I can dream, can't I?
She's too busy with seasonal concerns to tend to her locks... she's gotta get her annual bikini.
Oh, I'm well aware of Condi's Klingon connection. See here: http://sparklepony.blogspot.com/2005/10/over-her-head.html
Klingon, hell. Her hair is vintage Planet of the Apes.
When is she going to say something with a hat?
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