Thursday, May 04, 2006

Are 93% Really That Stupid?

I was maybe more distressed than I ought to be by a very silly poll presented in this morning's Washington Post in Richard Morin's entertaining "Unconventional Wisdom" column. The poll isn't online, unfortunately, as most Post sidebar items tend not to be.

Anyway, the question was "Do you think people's pets like cats and dogs can go to heaven when they die or do only people go to heaven?" Awwwww. 43% responded in the affirmative, 28% negative, 22% were unsure, and a mere 7% --seven percent-- responded to the silly question by saying that they "Don't believe there is a heaven."

Only seven percent!


Lulu Maude said...

What a ridiculous question.

They're all going to hell.

Unknown said...

lmao lulu..

thats interesting the percentages..but agnostics are in large enough numbers to make a difference regarding certain things. San Diego,CA has been fighting with agnostics for over 15 years regarding a cross that sits on the top of Soledad Mt in the heart of the city. It is a wonderful view from up there and the cross is dedicated to those that died in all our wars. SD has finally lost the last battle and will have to tear down the cross. They have tried and tried to work out something to keep it up and make the agnostic's happy but to no avail. The courts have sided with the agnostics at each level because it is city property, the Mountain, and the city refuses to sell an entire mountain to keep the cross up there..can't say as I blame the city...but its sad that it will have to come down..for me anyway.I got drunk up there so many times as a kid I can't remember half of them :P

Peteykins said...

Oh, I remember the Mount Soledad cross! Do you remember about 8 years ago when that guy tried to jump the fence and impaled himself through the butt?

Unknown said...

yep I do KZ..don't ya just love SoCal imbeciles? we so rock :P

Karen Zipdrive said...

I loved it the day the laws regarding marijuana were reduced in California and some guy changed the HOLLYWOOD sign to read, "HOLLYWEED."

However, nothing beats the stupidity of Texans pulling pranks.
Beer+ rednecks beats anything los angelinos can pull.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, a hundred times yes. 93% are not that bright. Or to be fair, they're not that stupid, they'd just rather worry about Fluffy than, I don't know, the future of humanity.

Anonymous said...

How bout the cross on Mt. Helix? that still there?

former san diego agnostic that thinks the cross was fine

bemused said...

I'm surprised it was that high. Sigh.

Peteykins said...

Why is this person your friend? Is the sex really that great?

Esri Rose said...

I used to be nervous when telling people I was pagan. Now that I'm an atheist, I usually keep my mouth shut. People feel threatened in a way they don't when I say, for example, that I don't believe in Santy Claus. And yet, it makes exactly the same amount of sense to me.

Anonymous said...

You agnos and so-called pagan twits are such a silly bunch of petty little assholes. Thank God there is so few and that those few are so ineffective; never really being a factor in anything. However, you do dispell one belief - that God is infallible. Since He did create you people, He must be capable of error. Hmmm. I'll have to ponder that one
Hey, when Mr Beezelbub jams that fork up your ass for the ten thousandth time, think back on this day. Oh sure, you say that won't happen, cause there is no hell nor any retribution waiting for you. But as you take that last breath, I'll bet you will be worried, terrified, that maybe, just maybe, you were wrong!
Too late, chump!

Anonymous said...

That lovely jerry person above is one charming individual, no?

Do you think he's one of the 43% who believe in kitty heaven?

Thanks for the great post, sparkles.