British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, left, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, center, and outgoing Iraqi president Jalal Talbani meet at the presidential palace in the heavily fortified Green Zone Sunday April 2, 2006 in Baghdad, Iraq. The top U.S and British diplomats made a surprise trip to Iraq on Sunday to prod the country's struggling leaders to end nearly four months of wrangling and form a new government. (AP Photo/Ali Haider, Pool)Condi 'n' BFF Jack Straw fooled everybody today and went to Iraq
... boxes of Kleenex? WTF?
UPDATE: So just how did Condi's trip to Merry Olde England go? Badly, according to this AFP roundup. Favorite fun fact: the special soccer jersey presentation was performed in an empty stadium!
Don't take those boxes of Kleenex so lightly- Halliburton charged the United States $300 per box.
After reading the Yahoo recap of Condi's tour of Blackburn, looks like her reception gave cause for both Jack Straw and Condi to need Kleenex.
Boo hoo hoo- they don't like her there, either.
Yeah..flowers wouldn't be appropriate..she stunk up the joint.
Jack finally has his hands off her..and in his lap.
Yow, her own fake turkey moment!
No middle eastern social occasion is complete without Kleenex for all. Women stuff them into their sleeves for later use. Men take them to spit into. Eventually they all end up on the floor of the reception room and the parkinglot. The number of discarded Kleenexs are counted and logged afterwards by a small brown servant(who is never paid) to determine the success of the event. It's kind of like weighing how much garbage is left in the streets after Mardi Gras to determine if it was sucessful. Take it from someone who knows.
I wonder how much refuse Condi contributed? Boo Hoo.
See, they got it wrong. What the caption should have read was:
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, left, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, center, and outgoing Iraqi president Jalal Talbani meet at the presidential palace in the heavily fortified Green Zone Sunday April 2, 2006 in Baghdad, Iraq, where they spent the afternoon sipping chamomile tea and constructing kleenex origami roses of red and white, and occasionally discussing the whole "new government" thing. In response to pointed questions about the direction the new government would take and the level of support that Iraqis could expect from the US and UK, Jack Straw held up a small folded crane and said, "Look, I made a bird."
Can you guess what kind of a bird it would be if Uncle Dick were there?
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