US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, and British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw speak at a joint press briefing Monday April 3, 2006 in Baghdad, Iraq. Straw and Rice both acknowledged that the Iraqis had made progress in building a democratic system after decades of Saddam Hussein's tyranny, economic sanctions and conflict but said that it was now crucial that they move forward quickly to ensure the nominations of the senior positions.(AP Photo/Mohammed Hato)It's day two for Jack Straw 'n' Condi in Iraq, and as you can see, OMG, they're having so much fun!
Meanwhile, while they're laughing it up in the Green Zone, let's go outside and look for some of those "good stories" the Republicans say the media are avoiding:

An Iraqi man looks out over a bloody puddle at the site of a car bomb Monday April 3, 2006 in Baghdad, Iraq. Two car bombs exploded in Baghdad on Monday, killing a bystander and wounding half a dozen others as U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw urged Iraqi leaders to form a government as soon as possible to curb the bloodshed and rein in sectarian militias behind much of the country's violence.(AP Photo/Karim Kadim)Oops, better keep looking!
UPDATE: In other Condinews this morning, La Rice has seen to it that Playboy and Penthouse are now banished from State Department news vendors. Phew! That's two less things to distract her underlings from riding the Pink Pony!
Awww... at least they're killing each other rather than our guys. Now, THAT'S progress in Jack and Condi land. They're hoping that the American people will roll over and go back to sleep, change the batteries in their remotes, worry about who's next on Survivor... all those really pressing issues.
I think they should go after Shane next on Survivor.
I think Jack has a woody for Condi..that smile..its downright scary.
oh..i forgot one thing..
I thought with the bible thumping crowd in the WH the P&P would of already been banned..how did they miss that?
Okay, I thought it was just a fluke, but I've decided that Jack Straw really looks like Wallace, the hominid claymation half of the beloved Wallace & Grommit series.
And Condi looks rather like Grommit in this picture. Which isn't a very nice thing to say.
In a more sobering observation, I always thought the expression "the streets will run red with blood" was best left as just that, an expression.
On the other hand, I think we have a new winner for Katherine Harris' next shade of lipstick, "The Streets Will Run Red With Blood Red."
OMG, I'm going to hell.
Dusty--that's a stiffie in Brit-land.
That blood-stained water imbues such a lovely warm hue to the image...
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