An effigy of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with a sack over its head is left by anti-U.S. protesters on a street in Ankara April 25, 2006, following a demonstration against a visit by Rice to Turkey on Tuesday. On July 4, 2003, U.S. forces detained 11 members of Turkey's special forces in northern Iraq . Turkish soldiers were taken to a military prison in Baghdad, handcuffed and with sacks over their heads. They were later released but this incident, which was first ever between two NATO allies, unleashed a storm of a protest in Turkey. REUTERS/Stringer...even if they find her name daunting to spell:

Looks like they might of left a few kids behind w/regards to spelling over there:P
I think Controleezza would have been the preferred spelling.
As of the fall of Constantinople, Ankara became part of the ottoman empire, and following ethnic cleansing and forced conversions, is mostly turkish, not greek.
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