U.S. President George W. Bush grabs a bell that was rung to mark his arrival in Cleveland, Ohio, March 20, 2006. REUTERS/Jim Young...it tolls for thee.
Forget John Donne and Hemingway, though. How about some Poe?
Hear the tolling of the bells -
Iron Bells!
What a world of solemn thought their monody compels!
In the silence of the night,
How we shiver with affright
At the melancholy menace of their tone!
For every sound that floats
From the rust within their throats
Is a groan.
The Bells, 1845.
EDIT: Also, Bush apparently shot fireballs out of his hands. Man, he's desperate:
Even his attempts at posing for "meaningful" photographs strike me as gimmicky and corny as hell.
He's a nowhere man like Chauncey the Gardener, too simple to grasp what he says or does, yet very pleased to accept praise for whatever it was he said or did-- that he can no longer recall.
His speeches may as well be like this:
"I am for good things and against bad things."
That's about as far as he can reason.
Cleveland. The fucking bottom of the barrel for... anything. And he asked if anyone there worked in Cleveland. No, mo'fo, we all welfare cheats 'round heeyah...
Gawd, he sucks dead donkey dick.
Why bring donkeys into the fray?
GOP's mascot is the elephant. Let him suck one of their dead dicks.
No offense to party mascots intended, kz. That was just an old expression of contempt I heard used on the Ohio State Univ. campus, long ago.
And I hate that the GOP has co-opted elephants. It's ironic, or worse, since the GOP and their ilk will be responsible for elephants' extinction one day.
W. can just suck dead fellow travelers' dicks, shall we say?
gawd sparkle you're killin' me!
"My daddy used to always say 'A Thousand Points of Light', well, we can't afford that cause America is too dependent on light...so here you go..."
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