Thursday, March 16, 2006

The More Things Change... A Dramatisation

"I'm so glad we've had this time together," Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer crooned softly to Princess Condi. But Condi was edgy, distant. How could he reach her? Suddenly, the answer was at hand:

"Why... look!" Downer exclaimed. "What have we here? It looks like two matching armchairs separated by a low table with a small but tasteful floral arrangement set before a fireplace!"

Condi happily surveyed these surrounding, soaking in their warm familiarity. "Can we?" she murmured expectantly. "Can we... just sit for a minute while the wire service photographers snap merrily away?"

"Of course we can," answered Downer with evident relief, confident that he had, at last, fulfilled all of his Conditractual obligations.

And they all lived happily ever after. Amen!


Lulu Maude said...

Ahhhh... I find myself tearing up.

Anonymous said...

How 'bout that pantsuit, huh? Butch. Particularly so when paired with the baseball cap. "I'm ready for my strap-on now, Mr. DeMille."

Karen Zipdrive said...

All that leg crossing she does during these photo ops is going to end up constricting her testicular function.

Unknown said...

I swear to vishnu, the photogs do this just for you dear PSP! They worship you and want their pics on your blog.

Jesus christ in a thong..I bet she got wet just seeing the setup..the fireplace would surely do it for her don't you think?

Anonymous said...


samael7 said...

I know that room! That's the Holiday Inn Canberra Plaza Hotel! I went to a bar mitzvah there!

Wow, that's the same carpet that cousin Allen took a chunder on too when he mistook the fireplace for a toilet, or possible Aunt Sadie.

Plus la change, indeed.

Anonymous said...

It would be neet if you could get all of the matching armchair photos and make a collage out of them, or maybe just an ani-gif.

Sarah Letnes said...

Conditractual! Princess Sparkle Pony, I choked on my dinner oats. Thanks.