U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is helped into a military vehicle by Australia's Chief of Defence Air Chief Marshall Angus Houston (L) as she visits Melbourne's Victoria Army Barracks in Melbourne March 17, 2006. Rice met with Australian Defence personnel to thank them for working alongside U.S forces in the Middle East. REUTERS/David GrayOMG, best Condi buttshot EVER. While you were sleeping, Condi's had a very busy day, indeed, in Australia. Too busy. Too many photos for this pony to sort through at the moment, so for now, please enjoy what is obviously the most pertinent to this blog.
EDIT: This is a lot more revealing than the last Condibutt I posted.
VPL, anyone? Just think--a serviceman up close and personal with the Condibum.
He'll never be the same.
White accentuates EVERYTHING!
Is that a thong?
I think the guy is checking out the Secretary's tushy.
"Crikey! That is one nice arse..."
Jeez..isn't that purty..It seems the photog was a tad bored and shot Condi's best side.
Sounds like a line in a haiku....
I don't know about the thong thing. I'm thinking either boxers or briefs.
old sow, I am at your service:
Aussie photogs vie
For one shot that says it all
Two luscious half-moons rising
where is my K-Y?
now that's what i call rat puddin. like a big ol' bee hive waitin to explode!
There's definitely something shadowy under there, but I don't think it's a thong. Could it be a cute little furry tail curled under? I do hope so.
Naw, Condi's going commando!
Our best intelligence indicates thong deployment or at least the intent to acquire and deploy thongs.
I asked the NSA guy tapping my phone if he could check on what kind of undies that the Secretary wears. He said that he had it from the highest authority that her royal highness "does not floss, I repeat DOES NOT FLOSS." It is a negative on that thong....
My guess is those sexy little boxer/briefs...they hold all your stuff in place.
Well, I guess it's back to the Stairmaster for you Condi. Can I get you a Perreir, whoops, Dasani?
We have credible intelligence that the state department can deply a thong anywhere in the world in under 15 minutes.
Wow, that military guy is TRANSFIXED on her tush. Concentrating on her can. Bearing down on her bumper.
I hope he gets a medal and a promotion for this. Too funny.
I knew I could count on all of you to join me in speculating on a thong deployment! That's my best guess! And I really hope that guy is checking out the Condi-booty for security reasons ONLY!
Word is, that guy is now doing crotch detail at Abu Grabass...
That what he gets for checkin out the condibum.
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