Remember how much fun we had exercising our faces last week? Well, I had a hunch the Photoshopping masses at Fark would enjoy having their way with the album's distinctive graphics. And boy did they. Mr. Dark Johnson, for instance, lovingly crafted the animated ones at the head of this post. A couple of favorites:
Check it out! I promise your face will be plenty exercised by the time you look at them all.
jesus..the animated ones remind me of my mother when she was off her meds.
Princess you RULE. One of the few places in the world that can always lead to a laugh--whether directly or through a link.
And those folks at FARK are in the genius realm of my worlds. Too bad they have so much time on their hands.............
Luck for me that I do too--and no boss watching over me or actching me luaghing inappropriately at work, oops, sorry NSA, DHC, CIA, FIB--er--that's FBI
er..that's "catching" and "laughing" in the post above. Too bad the Old Sow waits too long to proofread. Makes me feel like DICK Cheney shooting first and aiming second or not at all. Wince.........
The Terri Schiavo facial exercises gave me the biggest guffaw I've had in ages. Thank you Princess, for bringing glitter to my otherwise drab existence.
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