President Bush, second from left, meets with present and former Secretaries of State and Defense in the Roosevelt Room at the White House, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2006. Bush is pressing ahead with a public relations offensive on Iraq, bringing a bipartisan group of former secretaries to the White House for give-and-take on the unpopular military mission. Seated left to right are Vice President Dick Cheney, Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)AP's caption doesn't address, naturally, how totally pissed-off Maddy looks, and there's a good reason why she's scowling. The amount of time the Bush administration allowed their boring, fusty elder statesmen to express their views before Condi, George, Dick and Donald skipped away to play with their more glamourous friends? According to the NY Times, a whopping 5-10 minutes.
I wondered. Wasn't a word on the meeting during Morning Edition. Thanks, Sparkle.
I read the NY Times article. Colin's lack of anything to say was the worst..he knows what the score is and how to play the game with that idiot bush.Maddy on the other hand looks so pissed she could spit nails. I loved her comments though!
I'm glad Maddy stayed mad. Nothing those fucks would like better than a pic of her smiling around all those war criminals.
And Powell's silence said it all.
My favorite Anglo Warmonger, Bob McNamara, was at this little soiree. The guy's pushing 90 and still has the patience to try and impart some wisdom on these amateurs desperately trying to run the country into the ground. Bob fought the COMMIES, man. And burned Tokyo to the ground. He's also responsible for the seatbelt. You'd think BushCo would give him a little respect, but I'm sure he was gently ushered out to the coffee and danish room with the rest of them. Sad, really.
Sad indeed!! But, knowing the respect Bush & Co give to anyone, why do "formers" like Albright bother to show up there? Is it tied to their pensions or something? Or what does Hoover, uh, I mean Cheney have on them? In the Times photo, Maddy won't even look at the camera? This is so pathetic. And, btw, where ARE Condi's hands? And does that have anything to do with why she & Chimpy look so delighted?
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