US President George W. Bush looks over the crowd and collects his thoughts as he is introduced on stage to deliver remarks on the global war on terror at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. Bush, under fire for ordering unprecedented spying on US citizens, defended the program as limited, legal and critical to thwarting terrorist plots.(AFP/Paul J. Richards)Not Photoshopped! And the result of his visit to Kansas State? Stumped by a sophomore.
Love it..the girl made him look like an ass..always a pleasure to see that in my book.
Way to go Tiffany!
Tiffany for education czar.
i'm betting that by tomorrow morning there will already be somebody with a "Tiffany the KSU sophomore" web shrine. i'd try and find it only i'm tired.
Someone needs to tell our fake President to get all of those blackheads looked at.
Is that his sphincter or his mouth? Tough call.
Wow...now that you mention it it does resemble the chocolate starfish.
Careful on that sphincter talk, friends... just don't mention goats in the same sentence! ;)
As for Bush not being clear on exactly what he cut in terms of educational funding, the Bush family doesn't like to bother their beautiful minds with petty details like that.
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