Monday, December 19, 2005

The Madness of King George

Russ Feingold on W:
"We have a system of law," Feingold said. "He just can't make up the law … It would turn George Bush not into President George Bush, but King George Bush."
What a clever way to imply that W is craaaaaaazy, crazy, crazy.

Everybody was thinking this week would be a totally Santa-centric dead zone. But, you know, Happy Holidays! New scandal!

Also: I had a Madeline Albright sighting this weekend! I saw her in the Tower Records in Foggy Bottom. She was shopping all by herself, and she's a lot tinier than I expected. I'm also pretty sure I was the only person there who noticed her. She's stealthy!


Kaufman said...

This uniform suits him more than any army / navy / air force / marines uniform. Perhaps it's the cut of the jib. Or the ponce factor.

Shelly said...

Princess, why not photo shop George in a straight jacket.
That sounds like good clean holiday fun.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Chimpy probably didn't study enough history to know what the seig heil salute was.