Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Virus Upsets Dumb Media Outlets

Fishbowl DC reports that CNN and other media outlets have been hit with a pretty nasty computer worm. How could they all be so ill-prepared? Well, in CNN's case, at least, it's easy to answer: they totally suck at the internets, as I've demonstrated time and again.

And while I'm bashing CNN, one of my favorite sports, here's their latest headlines:

I couldn't help but wish for this:


TOS said...

Hahahahahah, it took a while but my years of reading Mad magazine and Where's Waldo finally paid off!

David N. Scott said...

Huh? CNN runs Win 2K? LOL LOL ROTFL!!!

Anonymous said...

Man, that took me a while to get =)

David N. Scott said...

Yeah, me too. Funny, though.

Anonymous said...

Damnitall, don't EVER make me work that hard for that small of a joke again.

Grumpy at 6:30 AM