And I know --I know-- I should just leave poor Jeff Gannon alone, but like an especially glittery, prancy moth drawn to a flame, I just can't help myself, especially when his blog provides such a perfect example of the comedic potential of Google ads, as this unaltered screenshot demonstrates:

OMFG, I saw this, too, and thought I would wet my knickers laffing!
For anyone who wanted to know about the Talon News interview Jeff Gannon did of Joe Wilson in 2003 - well, here he weighs in - and he clearly is no fan of the husband of Valerie Plame:
from his site:
July 13, 2005
Joe Wilson's lies
An interview I did in October 2003 with Ambassador Joe Wilson was published by Talon News and linked to by other websites. wilson.htm
The interview was presented as a transcript in three parts. In the first part, I get to the essential questions which show Wilson to be a liar. First four questions elicited three lies. The rest of the interview is more noxious fumes from the discredited ex-diplomat gasbag .
--and, "VastRightWing" bloggers from the other side of the aisle, who do not see 'man' or 'whore', seem to agree to a degree:
"Obviously you are right on the money, Jeff. Your detractors have nothing of substance to say just petty --dare one say bitchy -- personal attacks.
"Clearly, Joe Wilson is the kind of gassy publicity hound that you say he is. Wilson has been discredited by the Senate Intelligence Committee and Lord Butler's Commission. People who want to be spies generally don't make a habit of writing op/ed pieces for the NYT or having their photos splashed all over Vanity Fair.
"If your leftish critics want to attempt to defend the indefensible, it is merely a mark of their mindless partisanship. Even the Kerry campaign dumped Wilson like a load of old newspapers when the word started getting out about his lack of credibility."
No, his PR Person, my girlfriend at (who he has never hired, BTW) DID NOT write that.
(No, I do not know if he is turning tricks, again. No, I do not know if Joe Wilson is, either.)
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