Monday, November 28, 2005

Monday Morning Slow News Weekend Roundup

Well, kinda, anyway. I've been taking lots of time off, and while that gives me more time for blogging, it also makes me less likely to do just that.

So anyway, here's a refreshing take on Condoleezza from Minda News, your #1 source of news on Mindanao. The author starts off with Condi, but then his attention wanders to drag queens and, eventually, Billy Elliot. Clearly my job is being done without me.

Also, if Fox News' Chris Wallace claims Bush never claimed a link between Saddam Hussein and al Queda, does that make it true?

And, finally, the White House gathers up all the TelePrompTers it can find as Bush considers going into the fireside chat industry. How will this be different from the pointless "press conferences" he's been interrupting prime time with? No pesky reporters! EDIT: I also realized that the fireside chat format will enable him to have his most trusted advisor --Barney-- present.


Laura said...

Of course it's true if Fox News says it is!!! You have been taking a lot of time off if you've forgotten the #1 rule of the #1 bestest president ever!

TexasYankee said...

i love you... you love me... we're one big happy oli-gar-chyyyy...