Wednesday, July 13, 2005

UPDATE: The Baby Panda is Still the Size of a Stick of Butter

Monday, I reported, along with every other news outlet in the known universe, that the National Zoo's baby panda was about the size of a stick of butter. Today, the Saint Petersburg Times had a charming editorial, which reported that whenever supermom Mei Xiang "...shifts positions, she delicately holds her tiny cub, the size of a stick of butter, in her mouth." Awwww. And I'm also glad that PBS offers a transcript of Ray Suarez' News Hour report from yesterday, so that you can find out for yourself that "It's estimated that the baby is about the size and weight of a stick of butter." I can't wait for the baby to grow a little more, because I'm sure there are some great universally-accepted food metaphors yet to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worry about the critical time when the panda baby is the size of a burrito.

- Ms Stressa