Monday, July 11, 2005

Language Virus in the Mediasphere

How big is the new baby Panda (awwww!) at the National Zoo? It's this big:

How do I know it's approximately the size of a stick of butter? Because that's what I learned from UPI, AP, Reuters, the Washington Post, the New York Times, etc. Go to the Google News results for all 214 (currently) hits for the phrase "stick of butter" if you want to see more.

Some, but not most, of the articles acknowledge that the butter stick simile was provided to them by Zoo spokespersons, but did they all have to use it? So as a special Sparkle Pony service to harried press release reorganizers reporters everywhere, here is a list of other things approximately the same size as the baby Panda:

•Eight iPod Shuffles duct-taped together.
•A stack of 40 Wheat Thins.
•A Twinkie.
•A disappointing cheese log.

UPDATE: Jim Lehrer is promising a Panda baby (awwwww!) report tonight on the News Hour. Will they use the butter standard?

UPDATE 2: Yes, they used the butter standard.

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