Friday, June 24, 2005

Follow-up: Flagmania!

I wrote about how silly the "flag-burning ammendment" is a couple of days ago. I also pointed out that reporting on it posed some problems for picture editors, since there's a dearth of photos of actual Americans burning actual American flags.

As a result, sadly, most online articles are not embellished with photos. But my prediction that we'd be seeing pictures of people in other countries (who, presumably, would not be effected by a ban on flag desecration ammended to the US Constitution, duh) burning Old Glory came true here at Wired News, here at BBC News, and it's hard to tell in the AP photo used by The Coloradoan, but I'm willing to bet that ain't the US, either. I'm not sure, though, what the heck is going on over at the scarily-named World Crisis Web, which illustrates their article with a weird picture of an American flag about to be burned by... a Jesus candle? Huh?

By far my favorite coverage is at Newsmax, which uses the story as an excuse for --what else?-- Hillary bashing, in a vitriolic article interspersed with ads, coincidentally, for Ed Klein's comedic anti-Hillary book.

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