This week's "What If?" column over at Wonkette is really strange. OK, stranger than usual. This time I've taken Sparklecrush Jennifer Rubin and inserted her rather unhappily into Thomas M. Disch's great short story "Fun with Your New Head". The result is unnerving and, probably, irritating. Enjoy!
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the dessicated *Naughty Bits* of JENNIFER RUBIN. And may her *Arms* be too short to scratch.
This made me so happy when I read it at Wonkette.
So appreciated, John! It's one of my favorite short stories of all time, by one of my favorite authors. I debated for a while whether I should steal it so brazenly, but I decided that Disch would have approved.
Well, that was oddly bracing. I seem to have JENNIFER RUBIN. Wait, what the hell was JENNIFER RUBIN. This is starting to freak me JENNIFER RUBIN I don't know where I JENNIFER RUBIN help JENNIFER RUBIN oh god help JENNIFER RUBIN JENNIFER JENNIF JENNN JENN JNNNNNJJJJNNN . . . .
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