Have you ever been to Knott's Berry Farm? Worst theme park EVER. Every minute spent there is a minute not spent at Disneyland, or at Medieval Times, right down the road . Pointless. I honestly don't get it.

The sentiment expressed in the last panel above is 100% accurate. He really said that.
UPDATE: Pony Pal Mr. Bad Trash, who witnessed most of the events in these comics, has some additional hilarious info about the projectionist shown above in the comment section. LOL.
I grew up in Orange County (or attempted to) -- Knott's Berry Farm was founded by Walter Knott, an ol' right-wing guy. He put in an Americanism Center. I saw Nixon there in 1959.
Other than the right-wing stuff, I can't remember a single feature of KBF.
They used to send us to Knott's Berry farm on summer school trips when I was in 2nd and 3rd grade. I wasn't tall enough to go on any of the fast rides, so imagine being at NotDinsey while only able to ride the kiddy rides. NotFun.
And that was the same projectionist who thought we were trying to steal his fat girlfriend, when really she was just flirting with us to make him jealous, and he was too dumb to figure out you were gay, and no one was really interested in his cow of a lady anyway. I remember siccing his own boss on him when he tried to un-prioritize the work he was supposed to do for us. Hopefully his Republican vote is now drowning in a sea of Mexican Democrats from Santa Ana!
Haw, Mr. Bad Trash, I had forgotten a lot of that.
I've heard of Knott's, but I've never . . .
[reads Wiki page]
Smucker Company based in Placentia, California.
Oh. My. God. I mean, I *know* that means something different in Spanish but . . . what a terrible place-name.
I thought the log rides were kind of fun, but I only have been there once.
Personally, all amusment park rides should try to emulate Mr. Toad Wild Ride, which has the best of all worlds.
Hey, man. Check out this review of a new Al Capp bio:
Peter, my mother-in-law was a docent at the Nixon Museum, and I was visiting once and saw a great exhibit on "music at the White House" with a great picture of Flo and Eddie of the Turtles with Julie and Trish. The boys looked high, but the girls...not so.
So Smuckers bought up Knotts jams! Hmm.
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