So Bobby Jindal said some funny/stupid things today:
“Bottom line, at the end of the day, we want our kids to be exposed to the best facts. Let’s teach them about the big bang theory, let’s teach them about evolution, let’s teach them — I’ve got no problem if a school board, a local school board, says we want to teach our kids about creationism, that people, some people, have these beliefs as well, let’s teach them about ‘intelligent design.’”
First of all, please note that he used the forbidden "ATEOTD" phrase, which alone is enough to banish him permanently to the land of wind and ghosts. But what's funny is that the "intelligent design" folks will wince at this, because they're always trying to claim that "ID" isn't just creationism in new clothes, and here's Jindal totally equating them, switching back and forth between the two terms, out loud, to reporters. Oops!
But! This being Princess Sparkle Pony, can we please talk about Bobby's hair instead? Actually, this becomes somewhat delicate, because, honestly, we have to discuss Bobby Jindal's appearance in general. This is where it becomes an advantage for this blog to proudly don its "the whole point of this website is to be shallow" pants and proclaim the following: Bobby Jindal is a blatantly unattractive man, and this will be a big problem for him, bigger than his silly creationism gaffes and whatnot.
Many point out, truthfully, that women in politics are judged more harshly than men on their appearance. I'm certainly not going to argue that point. But Jindal is, to be blunt, ugly by our current standards* and has bad hair, and dresses badly, and does not have a beautiful or melodious voice, and has a creepy, tight-lipped smile, and has absolutely no charisma whatsoever.
Any one of these things can be absorbed by a male politician. But all of them? Well, OK, Nixon. But that was decades ago.
So I'm going to go ahead and be the absolute dick who says that Bobby Jindal is simply too weird looking to have any real future in national electoral politics.
*Hey, don't look at me! I didn't set the standards!
Agreed! Bobby be uggo!
And while we're at it, Marco Rubio could never be president with that horrible hairline...
"Bobby" Jindal looks like the Shemp Howard of politics! There… I said it!
Marco Rubio's ears: I like ears, maybe too much, but no, no Marco.
Bobby Jindal's hair: Congratulations on having hair, but how can you do that to hair? Tsk.
But that voice, that voice of his! What real Amurkins wouldn't vote for that?
Why, why, why isn't anybody pointing out the part in Wayne LaPierre's hairdo?? Bibby er Bobby is in desperate need of a shampoo... and that photo tells me that he didn't make it home last night. Let's call out the Moral Poe-leece on him, just based on that disheveled appearance.
Oh. Louisianna? Never mind. Prob'ly just Supporting Local Bidness.
But Wayne... that part is on the wrong side. I'm sure that it's messed up his thinking.
Jindal's hair is similar to that of the Hitler character in the famous video, "Hitler reacts to ____"
I actually think he would be decent looking if he did something very different with his hair. Like maybe some nice curls?
Oh, thank GOD for Princess Sparkle Pony. At long last, this topic of Bobby Jindal's extreme physical unpalatable-ness is out of the closet. (Marco Rubio's hairline, and Wayne LaPierre in general, are worthy not only of separate comments but separate blogs, so we'll leave them alone for the moment.) Anyway, back to Bobby: We're not big fans of Chris Matthews, but his "oh, God" ejaculation when Bobby sashayed out to give his response to the 2009 SOTU pretty much nailed it. Bobby is like the president of the high school chess club, or the head of the AV team, and he really, really, really needs a hairdresser. I mean, please! This is 2013, there are things that can be DONE. Okay, thank you for letting me get that off my chest.
Big, fleshy wood-fungus ears. Insincere ears.
Like Jennifer Rubin's Aunt!
it's hair befitting a PIYUSH.
How about a teeny Adolph mustache to match the hair style?
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