But! That's not the way the delightfully-named Husna Haq at the Christian Science Monitor sees it. "You know what that means," she teases. "Rumors are already building that Rice may run in 2016, with her forthcoming book as her ticket back on the national stage." Uhhh... no, Ms. Haq (I LOVE THAT), rumors are not already building; they're just starting, and you're starting them! And for that I am, after all, thankful.
Haq continues: "Does this book mean Condi’s running in 2016? Of course, it’s a little too soon to tell, and the former secretary of state has repeatedly said she’s not interested. Nonetheless, it does open the door for speculation."
Yes it does. Speculation from Haqs, at least.
The bizarre thing is that the way things are trending, by the time the Republicans starting hunting around seriously for candidates, they may be so starving for diversity that for Condi to be viable, they'd have to force her to come out...
She is obviously still waiting for the position of NFL Commissioner to open up.
Slightly more seriously, it is remarkable to see an entire administration that held office for eight years become ghosts so quickly.
Indeed, it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Condi 2016!
Condi 2020!
Condi 2024!
The Condi principle.
If we can just wait long enough, even Dr. F will die, and we'll finally be spared this endless speculation.
Doubtful. It hasn't stopped the repugs from digging up the corpse of St. Ronnie every four years.
And the Ouroborus swallows just a little more of his tail . . .
"they may be so starving for diversity that for Condi to be viable, they'd have to force her to come out.."
I see what you did there!
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